Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List by Janette Rallison

3 fluffy bunnies -- It's okay for a fluff book

I agonized over whether I even wanted to post a review about Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List (besides the fact that there's a misspelling in the title, according to Merriam-Webster). See... I'm kind of embarrassed that I read it. It's one of those books that I knew was pure fluff. It took a couple hours to read, and there's nothing much to it.

So there's not much to say about it. Girl wants to be a famous actress. Famous actor's son moves into town. Of course he falls for her, even though she's self-centered and a complete ditz. They have a fight; they get over the fight. Happily ever after—ta-da!

If you want something to pass the time without getting too involved, feel free to grab this book! You won't spend hours thinking about its complexity once you put it down, and if you have to get up and do something useful during the reading, you won't agonize over having to set the book down. I certainly don't think you'll rush to pick it up again.

Several of Janette Rallison's book follow the same sort of theme. High school angst shown at only the most superficial level. None of the characters ever really get any depth added to them (not even the main character). They're pretty formulaic, and they all have the same sort of title. I would have thought they were part of series, but they're not.

Not to say Ms. Rallison is a bad writer... in fact, I enjoyed several of her other books not in this 'series': My Fair Godmother got several laughs for its witticisms; Just One Wish was rather sweet (though also rather unbelievable); and How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend was a adorable (though predictable). I think any of these three books would be a better pick for wasting your time with some fluff. Just avoid her books that have titles with lists of three.

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