Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Secret Society by Tom Dolby

1.5 stars -- Meh...

Secret Society bored me. It bored me so much that I put it down five pages from the end and forgot that I hadn't finished it. It was only a week or so later that I thought, "How did that book end? Surely the author didn't leave it like that..." and picked it up again to see where I had left off.

Not that the ending made a difference.

Secret Society is about (can you guess?) a secret society that promising, rich, New York high schoolers can get inducted into.

The four main characters, Phoebe, Lauren, Nick, and Patch, are flat and not believable. Their personalities fluctuate too frequently (is Lauren rich and untouchable, or is she this weak, sniveling girl who doesn't know what to do about anything... How did Patch, a countercultural poor kid, suddenly become a buff, ripped, secret society wanna-be?).

The plot is weak (the society kills people, but WHY?). The story is unoriginal. And I am not looking forward to the sequel.

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